Energy that is friendly to the planet

- and your wallet.

A good tool to create a clear hero section is the 3 second rule. For the hero section answer the following questions: Who do you help and what problem do you solve? The answer should be easy to understand within 3 seconds.

How Much Money Can You Save With Solar?

Benefits of doing the quickscan
Unique selling point of the company
Build confidence by social proof

Make your home more energy efficient

A mini pitch is a catchy text of about 5 sentences in which you want to immediately grab the attention of the target group: 'Hey, that's interesting, that's perfect for me. That solves my problem.”

Energy storage

Describe a USP of your company. What makes you unique as a provider?

Save the Planet

Describe a USP of your company. What makes you unique as a provider?

Solar panels

Describe a USP of your company. What makes you unique as a provider?

Protecting our planet starts with you.

Put a spotlight on the problem and how you can solve it.

Use this information to align what it feels like to have this problem. What concrete emotions do your target group evoke when having this problem? Describe it. Readers should feel that they immediately feel understood by reading this text.

Maximize Green Resources.

Put a spotlight on the problem and how you can solve it.

Use this information to align what it feels like to have this problem. What concrete emotions do your target group evoke when having this problem? Describe it. Readers should feel that they immediately feel understood by reading this text.

How we work

Save energy
in 3 simple steps

Step 1
We take a quick look

This is a sample text. Everything here is just to give an impression of the graphical effect of text in this place. The funny thing is that people often read these anyway. Even if they know it is a sample text, they still read on.

We send you a proposal

This is a sample text. Everything here is just to give an impression of the graphical effect of text in this place. The funny thing is that people often read these anyway. Even if they know it is a sample text, they still read on.

Step 2
Step 3
Working for a greener future together

This is a sample text. Everything here is just to give an impression of the graphical effect of text in this place. The funny thing is that people often read these anyway. Even if they know it is a sample text, they still read on.

Step 1
We take a quick look

This is a sample text. Everything here is just to give an impression of the graphical effect of text in this place. The funny thing is that people often read these anyway. Even if they know it is a sample text, they still read on.

Step 2
We send you a proposal

This is a sample text. Everything here is just to give an impression of the graphical effect of text in this place. The funny thing is that people often read these anyway. Even if they know it is a sample text, they still read on.

Step 3
Working for a greener future together

This is a sample text. Everything here is just to give an impression of the graphical effect of text in this place. The funny thing is that people often read these anyway. Even if they know it is a sample text, they still read on.

Testimonios de Líderes #1 en la Industria

"La homogeneidad del sustrato INTI aumentó nuestra productividad un 25% y redujo significativamente el uso de agua y fertilizantes. Su consistencia nos permite planificar con confianza y escalar eficientemente."

Ing. María Rodríguez
Directora de Producción, AgroTech Innovations

"Desde que comenzamos a utilizar el sustrato INTI, notamos una mejora significativa en la uniformidad de nuestros cultivos. La calidad es consistente, lo que nos ha permitido reducir el tiempo de ajuste entre ciclos de producción y maximizar nuestra eficiencia operativa."

Ing. Javier López
Gerente de Producción, GreenField Agrosolutions

"El soporte técnico de INTI ha sido clave para optimizar nuestra estrategia de riego y fertilización. Gracias a su asesoramiento, hemos logrado reducir el consumo de agua en un 80% sin sacrificar rendimiento, obteniendo una cosecha más sana y sostenible."

Ing. Laura Fernández
Directora Agrícola, EcoFarm Global

Frequently Asked Questions

Post an overview with the most frequently asked questions and answers. Try to give as many answers as possible to possible objections or questions that your visitor still has.

Is it wise to buy solar panels in the winter?

This is a sample text. Everything here is just to give an impression of the graphical effect of text in this place. The funny thing is that people often read these anyway. Even if they know it is a sample text, they still read on.

Is it necessary to have my roof measured in advance?

This is a sample text. Everything here is just to give an impression of the graphical effect of text in this place. The funny thing is that people often read these anyway. Even if they know it is a sample text, they still read on.

Who performs the installation of the solar panels?

This is a sample text. Everything here is just to give an impression of the graphical effect of text in this place. The funny thing is that people often read these anyway. Even if they know it is a sample text, they still read on.

¿Listo para Revolucionar tu Cultivo?

Potencia tus cultivos con INTI. Contáctanos hoy para descubrir como nuestros sustratos de fibra de coco pueden revolucionar tu producción agrícola

¡Solicita tu consulta personalizada y lleva tu agricultura al siguiente nivel!

Telefono: ‪+52 442 258 3500
Dirección: KYŌ Park Palmas - Bodega 8 P-357.
Carretera Federal 57 México-Querétaro Km. 176+800, El Sauz Bajo, C.P. 76729, Pedro Escobedo, Querétaro, México.